
Hi community!

i have to create and pass a multipart/form-data mimestream through the pub.client:http service.
I am able to produce following mime string.

Mimestream Mac


The latest tweets from @mimestream. Mimestream was founded on the belief that email is an essential communication technology and it isn't going away anytime soon. Our mission is to craft the best email and collaboration experience ever made. We've started with our focus on the Mac and Gmail, but can't wait to. Mimestream is a lightweight, native macOS email client built specifically for Gmail. It uses the Gmail API instead of IMAP to support Gmail-specific features such as categorized inboxes, labels, synced aliases, synced signatures, and more! Featured 6mo ago. A native macOS email client for Gmail. A native macOS email client for Gmail. Monitor Competition Marketing Changes. A social place for creators to collaborate on video game projects. Uptime monitoring made beautifully simple and reliable.

Message-ID: 1183093294.126.1520957381494.JavaMail.DEDCW28EAI201$@DEDCW28EAI201
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;

Mimestream Review

Content-Type: application/json

“id” : “00d75c67-21d8-43d8-a675-505173a9a170”,
“fields” : {
“DokumentartRgWare” : “GS”,
“Barcode” : “”,
“Lieferscheinnummer” : “”,
“RechnungsNr” : “”,
“Rechnungsdatum” : “06.10.2017”,
“Lieferantenname” : “”

This contains the correct Content-Type header which is needed by the application server that is going to deal with the request.

Then i pass this string to the pub.client:http service.

Now the remote service fails with: “Unable to get boundary for multipart”

When i checked the HTTP Trace, i can see that IS is setting the Content-Type to “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”,
which explains the error message. It looks like pub.client:http does not take care of the mimestring headers and passes the complete mimestring (including headers) as body.

What do i have to do, to get
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;

as a http request header?

ViewGmail apple silicon

Kind regards,

IS Version: 9.7
mime.txt (594 Bytes)

Hello all. I took a quick browse through this forum and hadn’t seen anything posted about this particular issue, so I thought I’d see if anyone else out there is running into problems.
We’re trying to send an email containing HTML in the body (versus as an attachment) using Integration Server v4.6. When we do, the service we’ve created seems to “hang”.

We started with the sample.mime:build_SimpleMIME service (provided by webMethods as an example), and added a pub.client:smtp step at the end, mapping the MIME message stream created by the example to the mimeStream input parameter on pub.client:smtp.

When we do this, the service hangs (or possibly times-out … I’m not sure how long I should expect to wait for a time-out, but it runs for well over a couple of minutes).

The pub.client:smtp service does not complain about invalid input. I think that the output of the example is java.io.ByteArrayInputStream, which is the same thing that pub.client:smtp expects as input for mimeStream.

Is there something obvious we’re doing wrong? Has anyone got an example of using the smtp service to send MIME that they’d be willing to share?

Thanks in advance for your help.