Lim Youngmin


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AB6IX (에이비식스) is a Korean group that consists of: Woong, Donghyun, Woojin, and Daehwi. Youngmin left the group on June 8th, 2020. Youngmin and Donghyun are apart of the duo named MXM, while Woojin and Daehwi were in the band Wanna One. The AB in AB6IX stands for ABSOLUTE or ABOVE BRANDNEW, while the 6 stands for 5 members plus 1 fandom. Lim Youngmin Officially Removed From AB6IX After Drunk Driving Incident He is no longer part of the group.

's Lim Young Min, who many fans turned back on because of alleged girlfriend issues, has been accused of cheating and spoiling results.

Lim Youngmin Military

Fans who have turned their backs on the trainee revealed that Lim Young Min had done the same cheating that Kang Daniel, Kim Dong Bin, and Lee Ki Won had apologized and been penalized for. His brother told his friend to tell a KakaoTalk chatroom full of Lim Young Min fans that he wanted the songs 'Never' and 'Oh Little Girl', which is against the rules. However, because Lim Young Min fans didn't try to spread on SNS like the other boys' fans did, the trainee never got caught - until a former fan revealed it.

Not only so, a post by someone calling themselves a friend of Lim Young Min's girlfriend has come back up. Originally, it was a post attempting to salvage Lim Young Min's image, saying that they knew Lim Young Min and that he was a hard working, and incredibly nice. While the post was mainly ignored at the time, it came back up when people realized that the 'proof' the poster gave was by spoiling the results - that Lim Young Min would be #5, and Joo Hak Nyeon would be #10 during the most recent results. With both spoilers revealed to be true, now Lim Young Min has been accused of spoiling results to his girlfriend, which is against the rules.

Lim Youngmin Girlfriend

There are other posts by fans claiming to be previous Lim Young Min fans who admitted to the KakaoTalk chatroom being used so the fans could plan together and actively bash high ranking trainees such as Kang Daniel and Kim Jong Hyun so Lim Young Min could get more positive attention. These fans showed screenshots of the Lim Young Min chatroom to show their 'proof' that they used to be fans.

Lim Youngmin Pinterest

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