Md Markdown Syntax

Expanded perl version of John Gruber's original Markdown - No longer under active development since MMD 3 - fletcher/MultiMarkdown. Markdown documentation: Creating a table. NOTE: if you need a void column you must add a space between the pipes. As you can see, the code of the table does not need to represent the spacing of the table - that is accomplished within the markdown. Narrow: Markdown is a an easy-to use, lightweight markup language with syntax that maximizes readability and ergonomics while writing and makes publishing for the web super easy. It was created by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz, and is now used on thousands of websites and inside some of the world's most popular open source projects.

  1. Md Markdown Syntax Python
  2. Md Markdown Syntax In Python

Md Markdown Syntax Python

On my blog I have a lot of links on other sites. But it's good practice to use rel='nofollow'if you add a link on untrusted site. Since I write articles in markdown, I find a way to customizemarkdown's parser behevioure to allow this extra attributes for html <a> tags.


The idea is deadly simple -- just loop through all links, and if it is external one,add rel='nofollow' target='_blank'. Which one is external? You can decide it for yourself.For example, change syntax by adding ! before URLs and check for that
([1]:! and so on. My variant is below.

Link is external, if it is not relative/local :) So I do nothing if href:

  • starts with / (relative links)
  • starts with # (anchors links)

In result I have at least two ways to do that.

Method #1 (php only)


If you use some flatfile CMS, like Pico or Phile or anything else,it's a good practice to write a plugin. Since it's easy to realize with clean php, let's do it.

Code it

My resulting plugin for PhileCMS is on github, and here is some demo-code:



Method #2 (edit php-markdown parser)

If you cannot write a plugin or cons of method#1 is critical for you, let's do it deeper and simpler-- during parsing .md and generating html-code.

Code it

If you look at php-markdown library(if you use another markdown-parser -- idea is the same):

There are two functions:

  • _doAnchors_reference_callback($matches)
  • _doAnchors_inline_callback($matches)

for links-reference and inline-links respectively.

NOTE: actually, there are 4 functins, 2 for php-markdown and 2 for php-markdownExtra. Edit the one you are using.

Since I use php-markdownExtra, I edited this and this one function.

Resulting commits look like (on github):



Md Markdown Syntax In Python

Inspired by this answer on SO.