Thomas E Uharriet

With his illuminating haiku books of ancient Christianity, Hinduism, Taoism, and Zen Buddhism, Thomas E. Uharriet presented the enlightened ideas of the ages in bite-sized pieces. Now, in the Enlightened Haikuseries, he uses that same easily understood format to share beautiful uplifting ideas that are timeless and timely today. Books from the memoirs of billy shears by Thomas E. Uharriet Billy's Back! Selections from The Memoirs of Billy Shears. Read verifiable details of the 'Paul is Dead' story that you have never heard it before, including William taking over The Beatles and the McCartney estate.

This last section is for all the rest of what we would like to share in connection with The Memoirs of Billy Shears, or with its related books on this site. This page has links to web sites and other matters mentioned in the text, and also links you to a CONTACT form for MACCA CORP and/or its subsidiary, Peppers Press.

The Memoirs of Billy Shears and Beatles Enlightenment mention Linda's Lifetime Achievement Award from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). PETA asks us to question the reasonableness of eating meat, wearing leather, and of going to circuses or zoos. William also encourages vegetarianism. He praises the band, Death Cab for Cutie, for having 'raised a meaningful voice to wean people off of their addictions to meat' (p. 113). William tells us to 'love every creature,' and to 'Respect all life enough to give up eating meat, starting with all mammals' (p. 605).Recognizing that the full PETA position is too much for most people, he encourages the reader to take it a step at a time, saying, 'If vegetarianism sounds hard, eat fish and poultry. Mammals are too closely related' (p. 546).

The Memoirs of Billy Shears andBilly's Back!, chapters 64 and 66 promote the web site, Chapter 64 discusses the problem of landmines left in parts of the world that our own countries fail to love. Chapter 66 features the song, ',' which was written to support that web site. It is the first song ever named after a web site, and is a powerful way to drive traffic to a web site. It is hoped that artists who copy this idea (of naming a song after a web site) do not do it for their own commercial gain, but to support other worthy causes. Consumers express their approval both by visiting the sites, and also by spending or donating funds. When other artists copy this idea, let’s make a point of only supporting those who do it to promote worthy non-profit organizations.

Thomas e uharrietUharriet

Please consult these Questions and Answers
before emailing us with questions already answered.

1. Did Paul McCartney really die?
Yes, he’s dead. The proof in this book is all verifiable.

2. When did Paul McCartney die?
Paul died late in the evening of 11 September 1966.

3. What was the first song that William Shepherd (the man who replaced Paul) took part in recording as one of The Beatles?
'Strawberry Fields Forever.'

4. What was the first Beatles album showing William on the cover?
A Collection of Beatles Oldies, released three months after Paul died, depicted William on the cover--without any attempt to make him look like Paul.

5. What was the first Beatles album that William took part in recording?
Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band.

6. How, when, and where did John Lennon first meet William Shepherd?
Brian Epstein introduced William to John
on 16 September 1966 (five days after Paul died) in Paris, France.

7. Did Paul McCartney write or dictate this book?
No, Paul died decades before this book was begun.

8. Did William Shepherd write this book?
No, this book was written by the encoder, Thomas E. Uharriet.

9. Where did Uharriet get the material to write and/or encode this book?
Most of the material for this book is based on words by the current Paul Mccartney (formerly known as William Shepherd). However, Uharriet took liberties with dialogue and other elements ensuring that this book is a work of historical-fiction. Some parts are exact quotes; some quotes were modified to fit the code or the narrative; and sometimes the setting was modified.
As an example of quotations in a modified setting, in the story, on the same weekend that Brian Epstein introduces William to John Lennon, William is talking to Neil Aspinall at the Louve. The following excerpt is from page 212:

Actually, although William (the current Paul) did visit the Louve, and did say nearly those words, his exact words were, 'Oh my God, I'm that famous guy!' spoken elsewhere. He said the line, 'One of the beautiful people,' in another conversation. In this example, three separate events were combined as one, with one word replaced (reflecting the hell that he created for himself by adopting that role).

Thomas E. Uharriet

About author thomas e. uharriet

10. Which parts of the book are non-fiction?
Everything proving that Paul died and was replaced is correct and historically verifiable. Most of the rest, with the exception of chapter 35, is also correct. Chapter 65 explains some of the other exceptions.

11. Did Uharriet really plan this book with Paul McCartney when they met at a beach in Southern California?
No. Uharriet (who was only seven years old when Paul died in 1966) never met Paul. The story about Uharriet meeting William (as Paul) on a Southern Californian beach one hot day after Paul left a recording studio in Los Angeles is merely a legend that was invented (in chapter 35, which is fictional) to explain this book.
If chapter 35 were historically accurate, that disclosure to Uharriet would have constituted a breach of William's nondisclosure agreement--which William would never do. Hence, everyone can be certain that that chance meeting never occurred.

Thomas E Uharriet Wikipedia

11. To what extent was William (who replaced Paul) involved in writing and/or encoding The Memoirs of Billy Shears (or Billy's Back!, etc.)?
The encoding was done entirely by Thomas E. Uharriet.
Even though you, the reader, will realize that much of the material could only have been known by William (the new Paul), or by his closest confidants, and even though William is the primary source, we maintain the position that William 'Paul' had nothing to do with it. Please do not email us requesting information that would contradict either this official position or our claim that chapter 35 is completely fictional. Although that chapter depicts a chance meeting in which 'Paul McCartney' and Tom Uharriet decide to create this book, we again affirm that chapter 35 is fictional. That chapter is NOT an admission of Paul's involvement in this project, or of breeching his non-disclosure agreement by revealing such things to Tom Uharriet.

The Memoirs of Billy Shears, Billy's Back, Beatles Enlightenment, The Talent Contest, and Billy Shears Acrostical Decoding are published by Peppers Press, a subsidiary of MACCA CORP. If you have questions not already answered above, or if you have comments, or outlandish praise, you may use this form to contact us. However, when the mail volume becomes too great, especially with questions already answered above, this contact option will be removed.

Do not think of this image as depicting Paul's actual headstone,
but merely as illustrating concepts of The Memoirs of Billy Shears.

About Thomas E. Uharriet

Encoder, Thomas E. Uharriet, has been using Holosync®
audio products for brain enhancement since 2002.
Click here or on the image below to learn more.

About Author Thomas E. Uharriet